
Friday, 9 August 2013

Connecting to NAV Web Services from PHP Part - 2


Please read this post to get an explanation on how to modify the service tier to use NTLM authentication and for a brief explanation of the scenario I will implement in PHP.
BTW. Basic knowledge about PHP is required to understand the following post:-)

Version and download

In my sample I am using PHP version 5.3, which I downloaded from, but it should work with any version after that.
In order to make this work you need to make sure that SOAP and CURL extensions are installed and enabled in php.ini.
PHP does not natively have support for NTLM nor SPNEGO authentication protocols, so we need to implement that manually. Now that sounds like something, which isn’t straightforward and something that takes an expert.   Fortunately there are a lot of these experts on the internet and I found this post (written by Thomas Rabaix), which explains about how what’s going on, how and why. Note that this implements NTLM authentication and you will have to change the Web Services listener to use that.

class NTLMStream
    private $path;
    private $mode;
    private $options;
    private $opened_path;
    private $buffer;
    private $pos;
     * Open the stream
     * @param unknown_type $path
     * @param unknown_type $mode
     * @param unknown_type $options
     * @param unknown_type $opened_path
     * @return unknown
    public function stream_open($path, $mode, $options, $opened_path) {
        $this->path = $path;
        $this->mode = $mode;
        $this->options = $options;
        $this->opened_path = $opened_path;
        return true;
     * Close the stream
    public function stream_close() {
     * Read the stream
     * @param int $count number of bytes to read
     * @return content from pos to count
    public function stream_read($count) {
        if(strlen($this->buffer) == 0) {
            return false;
        $read = substr($this->buffer,$this->pos, $count);
        $this->pos += $count;
        return $read;
     * write the stream
     * @param int $count number of bytes to read
     * @return content from pos to count
    public function stream_write($data) {
        if(strlen($this->buffer) == 0) {
            return false;
        return true;
     * @return true if eof else false
    public function stream_eof() {
        return ($this->pos > strlen($this->buffer));
     * @return int the position of the current read pointer
    public function stream_tell() {
        return $this->pos;
     * Flush stream data
    public function stream_flush() {
        $this->buffer = null;
        $this->pos = null;
     * Stat the file, return only the size of the buffer
     * @return array stat information
    public function stream_stat() {
        $stat = array(
            'size' => strlen($this->buffer),
        return $stat;
     * Stat the url, return only the size of the buffer
     * @return array stat information
    public function url_stat($path, $flags) {
        $stat = array(
            'size' => strlen($this->buffer),
        return $stat;
     * Create the buffer by requesting the url through cURL
     * @param unknown_type $path
    private function createBuffer($path) {
        if($this->buffer) {
        $this->ch = curl_init($path);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_NTLM);
        curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, USERPWD);
        $this->buffer = curl_exec($this->ch);
        $this->pos = 0;

class NTLMSoapClient extends SoapClient {

    public $fuck_you_ms = FALSE; // very important variable -> indicates if we are going to process request "before" sending (all thanks to MS SOAP implementation - hence the name)

    //function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version) {
    function __doRequest($request, $location, $action, $version, $one_way = 0) {
        $headers = array(
            'Method: POST',
            'Connection: Keep-Alive',
            //'User-Agent: PHP-SOAP-CURL',
            'Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8',
            'SOAPAction: "'.$action.'"',

        if($this->fuck_you_ms) {
            // some fancy processing before passing stuff to ms
            $request = fix_ms_xml($request);
            //echo "\n<hr><pre>\n".htmlspecialchars( str_replace("<Item>","\n\t<Item>",$request) )."\n</pre><hr>\n";
        $request = str_replace(array("\n","\r","\t"),"",$request); // clean XML before sending
        $this->__last_request_headers = $headers;
        $ch = curl_init($location);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $request);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_NTLM);
        curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, USERPWD);
        $response = curl_exec($ch);
        //echo "\n<hr>response:".$response."\n";
        return $response;

    function __getLastRequestHeaders() {
        return implode("\n", $this->__last_request_headers)."\n";

function fix_ms_xml($request,$level=1){
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    $dom->loadXML($request, LIBXML_NOBLANKS);
    $envelopes = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Envelope');
    foreach($envelopes as $envelope){ // i know we have only one attr...
        //echo '<hr>GOT ENVELOPE:';
//            echo '<hr> - YAAHAH WE HAVE ATTR';
            $attr1 = (String)$envelope->getAttribute("xmlns:ns1");
            ///$attr2 = (String)$envelope->getAttribute("xmlns:ns2");
//            $envelope->setAttributeNS('urn:microsoft-dynamics-schemas/codeunit/Drupal_OrderImport',"drup");
            echo "<hr>--[";
            echo "]--<hr>";


/*      $node_list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Body');
    $node = $node_list->item(0)->childNodes->item(0);
    $node = $node_list->item(0)->childNodes->item(0);
    $node->setAttribute('xmlns:ns2',$attr1);     */
    $node_list = $dom->getElementsByTagName('Address');
    $node = $node_list->item(0);
    echo "ADDR:".$node->nodeValue;

    return $dom->saveXML();
    //return $dom->C14N(true, false);

Putting this into the PHP script now allows you to connect to NAV Web Services system service in PHP and output the companies available on the service tier:

require('nav_soap_client.php'); // or... die it's not gonna work without it anyway

class commerce_nav_crons{

    function __construct() {
        $this->service_url_main = 'http://localhost:7047/dynamicsnav/ws'; // just a sample - i read it from db
        // we unregister the current HTTP wrapper
        // we register the new HTTP wrapper
        stream_wrapper_register('http', 'NTLMStream') or die("Failed to register protocol");
        define('USERPWD', 'testdomain\testuser:testpassword'); // put your own values - mine are actually taken from db

    function __destruct() {
        // restore the original http protocole

     * this is a main run function to send Order Returns to NAV, very basic, just to illustrate sample
     * @return bool
    function sample_run(){
        $ret  = FALSE;
        $service_url = $this->service_url_main . '/Test%20Products/Company';
        $service_params = array(
            'trace' => TRUE,
            'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
        //echo $service_url . '<br/>';
        $service = new NTLMSoapClient($service_url, $service_params);
        $service->fuck_you_ms = TRUE; // because fuck you, that's why!

// Find the first Company in the Companies
            $result = $client->Companies();
            $companies = $result->return_value;
            echo "Companies:<br>";
            if (is_array($companies)) {
              foreach($companies as $company) {
                echo "$company<br>";
              $cur = $companies[4];
            else {
              echo "$companies<br>";
              $cur = $companies;

        return $
cur ;


$cl = new commerce_nav_crons();

Next part -3 I will explain how to connect the CodeUnit services..

Here I collecting the information from Freedy and Arte blogs. They are explain the two different ways here I explain the both scenarios.

always welcome any queries and comments....

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